Reading Superstars!
For some children in Y2, and for all in Y3 to Y6, Accelerated Reader is revolutionising how our children read.
We have found that attitudes towards reading are changing: self-motivation is increasing, ownership of book choices is growing and the pleasure taken in reading is obvious.
We feel that comprehension skills are improving as a result of regular 'quizzing' and the ability to recommend books to each other is developing. Our children love using the library, and love analysing their own reading data.
Here are some amazing PCP reading stats:
The children have read 80,009,041 words.
15000 books have been read since September
New word millionaires: Ruby Taylor, Alfie Singleton, Jack Chao, Ethan Vine, Rachel Naylor, Milly Campion and James Pugh. That’s 18 all together this year!
Thanks everyone for all of the book donations over the year. Our library is book-rich and is a wonderfully calm place for our children to relax into a book.
Please keep your children reading over the summer break.