‘Children in early years achieve extremely well and are exceptionally well prepared for their next steps in education.’ OFSTED 2022.
It has been another busy half term in early years. Our recent OFSTED result is something we are extremely proud of and we know that we are laying great foundations for our children to continue on their primary school journey. In nursery this half term we welcomed some new children. We are so proud of how well they have settled in and how welcome they have been made to feel by the children who were already in nursery. This half term, children followed their ‘Sunshine and Sunflowers’ topic during which they were able to plant sunflower seeds, learn about shadows, play new games and they even had a picnic in the sunshine. Our Reception children have been just as busy this half term. PCPPandas have been learning all about the importance of recycling, making pizzas and preparing for the Queen’s Jubilee.
Coming up next half term will be ‘Sport’s Week’ with our EYFS Sport’s Day on the first Tuesday after the two week break. As the weather starts to improve even more please ensure children have suncream applied before coming to school and also wear a hat.
If you have a child who turns three before September please email admin@prescotprimary.org.uk with your child’s name, date of birth, address and contact number in order for them to start at our nursery in September 2022. It is never too early to register your child, we already have children on our waiting list who were only born in 2021!
Please let any friends or family know that they can add their names to the waiting list too - we may well find that our list grows more quickly than ever before!