Here we are at the end of another half term. Our school community continues to be as busy as ever. We have welcomed many visitors from other schools, met our new families for September, appeared on the BBC, completed SATs, held Apple events, a Rights Respecting Coffee Morning, a Careers Showcase and Sports Week! And amongst all this we've worked really hard in class.
Read on to find about our learning adventures and school news.
We can’t believe that our littlest learners have nearly completed a year in EYFS and what a busy time they have had! Twitter is full of their adventures and it is great to see them enjoying their learning so much. Next half term they will be involved in our whole school conservation project and it will focus on animals, their similarities and difference and what makes a good pet? We know that the project will feed their interests and build on the whole school message.
It is also a busy term as our nursery children begin their transition and familiarisation of our reception provision and our reception children prepare for their move to KS1. Exciting times! We will ensure that they are well-prepared and the move is as seamless as possible.
Letters have now gone out to all of our new nursery families for their September 2023 nursery places. We are delighted to have so many new children joining us. If you have a 3 year old or a younger child please email the following details - child’s name, date of birth, address, contact number to admissions@prescotprimary.org.uk so we can add them to our admissions list. Any child who turns 3 before the 31st August 2023, can have a place in September 2023 and any child who turns 3 before 31st December, can have a place in January 2024. We are also extending our provision by offering the 30 hours from September for working parents. You can check your eligibility at
Breakfast Club and After School Club
We would like to make you aware that a regular face of ASC will be retiring in July. We will be saying goodbye to Mrs Bennett on the last day of term in July. Mrs B is a much-loved member of the ASC and Y6 staff teams and she will be hugely missed. We are sure that many of you would like to say goodbye in your own way when the time comes.
After some parental requests, we are going to trial opening the ASC/BC booking & payment windows for longer. They are now open for the whole of the Summer 2 term. Parents can choose to book and pay for the term or continue to book and pay weekly in the usual way (a week in advance). This will be monitored closely, but we hope to extend this to become permanent in September.
Please note the weekly windows for payment will still close every Thursday at 5pm. Any queries, please contact Mrs Boadey via email.
Rights Respecting News Update
The Rights Respecting Pupil Leaders wanted to invite their families and the wider KS2 community into school to learn more about the values of a Rights Respecting School. We decided to hold a RRS Coffee Morning on the morning of our Coronation Celebration. We had a huge response and spent a wonderful morning watching our children present, chat and quiz about the rights of the child.
We will certainly be planning another event for school families. Thanks to everyone who came along.
Watch our video here:
Parent Governor shout-out!
After half term, we will be asking parents and carers to express an interest in the position of Parent Governor.
Please take some time over the break to consider whether this post would be something you would enjoy. Think about what you could offer the school and how you would contribute to the governing board.
More information and date for elections will follow after half term.
Click here for more information on the role of the governing body.
National Governance Association
Y5 'Allotment' Project
Y5 enhanced their learning all about farming and land-use when they visited the allotment of St Mary & St Paul Primary School.
It was wonderful to be shown around all of the beds and borders and be taught about what plants grow well in different conditions. This linked to their project on 'Pharoahs' when Y5 explored how Egyptian farmers grew crops along the River Nile.
Y6S loved their few minutes of fame last Friday, as they sttod in solidarity with our Ukraiian families at the start of Eurovision weekend. They were so sensible about arriving at school so early and no-one complained about the 6.00am start. All of the children listened carefully to the producer and the presenter and followed the instructions really well. Everyone’s behaviour was exemplary. The staff were really proud of their enthusiasm and attitude. Having to complete a national maths test afterwards didn’t phase them either, they just took themselves up to class and focussed on the task. Well done 6S - as well as Cian, Pasha and Lucy!
The whole of year 6 had a challenging week during SATs but everyone had positive attitudes and did their best. We now have a very busy last half term ahead as the children prepare for their final term of primary school
Knowsley have produced a new attendance strategy. For more information click here:
Knowsley Attendance Strategy 2021-2024
For Prescot Primary's attendance policy, click here:
PCP Attendance Information
Can we remind all families that children must be in school for 8.50am. Gates will be closed and your child will be marked late if they arrive after this time. Children who regularly arrive late can have an unsettled start to the day and feel unprepared for their first lesson. We would urge you to think about the impact that lateness has on learning and minutes lost as a result.
Wow! That must be one of our sunniest Sports Weeks ever!
The children have been immersed in all things physical and have enjoyed trying to beat a whole host of personal bests. Sport brings out many qualities in our children - competitiveness, determination, appreciation and empathy being amongst a few. We have seen such 'botheredness' across all ages this week. We have seen our children cheer on their classmates and reach out to help them along. The staff have been so proud of each sporting achievement, big or small, and of the children's excellent behaviour.
The children have loved the fundraising challenges although - as always - the 'Sponge the Teacher' event seemed to be the most popular! All monies will be donated to UNICEF's Soccer Aid campaign: https://www.socceraid.org.uk/how-your-support-helps/
Thanks to Mr Dobson, for leading the week's events and thanks to our Y5 and Y6 Sports Leaders who have worked really hard to prepare and organise all of the equipment - including the pink wigs!
Careers Showcase 2023
It has been 4 years since we last held our annual Careers Showcase. Whilst we know this seems along time away for our pupils, it is an important part of our PSHE curriculum and poses many questions for our little minds. Would I like to work inside or outside? At night or in the day? Would I want to travel for my work in the future? Do I want to work in music, construction, technology or in public service? This event certainly got our children talking about the world of work!
We welcomed musicians, nurses, microbiologists, construction and engineering employees and representatives from the world of technology. It was a very vibrant afternoon which the children clearly enjoyed.
Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to support us... roll on next year!
Watch our video here:
Black History Month Poster Competition
We recently had a visit from two Merseyside Police Officers who wanted to launch the Black History Month Poster Competition with our children. We will be working on this as a school but you can read all about the competition below. We have already had some amazing entries already! Maybe your drawing will be displayed on police patrol vehicles all across Merseyside!
SEND Update
We will be supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Trust on 16th June by asking the children to come into school wearing something yellow. If you would like to find out more about Cystic Fibrosis and what the Trust do please click the link:
If your child has special educational needs and you would like to know more about how to support their learning at home then you can contact Liverpool and Knowsley SENDIASS. Their website gives information on various topics on special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
We have been informed that there are a range of activities across the borough during the half term break that will give the opportunity to take part in a host of enjoyable and enriching activities on offer for children, young people and families across Knowsley, from 29 May – 9 June 2023.
Online Safety
We release monthly newsletters that highlight various aspects of online safety. Click here for PCP Online Safety information and newsletter:
PCP Online Safety
After 401 responses from all over the school community, we can reveal that the overwhelming front-runner for this year's conservation project is...'STOP the illegal wildlife trade!' Find out more here:
School staff have spent a recent INSET day planning different projects that all link to this theme, particularly looking at animals that are endangered as a result of illegal trade. Classes will be saving the elephant, becoming 'fin-finders' and asking why people steal birds' eggs.
We are planning to display the children's work in an exhibition in the school hall that we will invite families to. We will also be holding a celebration where we will invite the children to design and wear their own campaign T-shirts which will highlight the cause they are acting for. More information to follow! Exciting times.
Love it for longer!
This was a popular choice for one of our conservation project themes but just didn't reach enough votes. We still do think this is an important concept for us all to understand and act on in our daily lives.
In school, we are acutely aware of how much money new uniform costs at this time of year. It also the same time of year that many items of good quality uniform are given or thrown away. We would love to reduce this waste by asking you all to contribute to our very own 'Love it for longer' project.
We have created an 'Exchange Boutique' in the main office/under our main office porch. We have clean uniform in good condition for you to take and 'love for longer'. Equally, we would love you to wash and hang any items that you feel could be of use to another family in our school community. If you have any spare hangers, please just hang them on the rails.
Most items of donated uniform are perfect and ready for a second use. Loving it for longer could have a huge impact on the conservation of our planet. Please join in!
Our Summer term has brought a flurry of new Word Millionaires, and as always we love to celebrate their commitment, enjoyment and botheredness towards their reading. So congratulations to Lucas V and Maisie C from year 6 Dragons; Dan W, Zack G and Benjamin I from year 5 Kangaroos and Zoe C from year 4 Tigers. Huge round of applause to them all! We are sure we haven’t seen the last of these achievements; there’s room for a few more millionaires yet.
As usual, reading has been at the centre of everything we do at PCP, so it’s not surprising that more children than ever have reached their individual targets this half-term. They will be rewarded with a cool treat before the end of the week. There has been some intense competition between the classes and year groups since Y4W became the first class ever to have every reader reach their targets, and we have waited with baited breath to see if they could do it again…and it turns out that yes they could! It seems they are unbeatable. Let’s see what next half-term brings.
With Accelerated Reader we have access to not only brilliant reading experiences for our children, but also lots of details of how they are reading. So far this year, our children have read 89,189,055 words and quizzed on 13,620 books. We are sure to beat all previous years’ records hands down. They have borrowed over 7000 books from the library which continues to grow and meet the needs of all our children.
Keep up the good reading everyone!
Calendar dates
You will be emailed a list of calendar dates for the second half of summer term. It's always one of the busiest times of year so make sure you look at which events apply to which classes.
From all of us at Prescot Primary and Nursery School, have a safe and happy two week half term break.
See you on Monday 12th June!