SEND Update: The Zones of Regulation
As always, we are striving to perfect our inclusive provision for all learners in our school. We value the expertise of our staff and the power of our whole school approach.
You may have heard your child talking about the 'Zones of Regulation' and some parents have asked for more information on how this is used in school. We believe that it is benefiting all of our children as it supports them in talking about their feelings.
The Zones of Regulation framework is a tool to support children to develop an awareness of feelings, energy and alertness levels while exploring a variety of strategies for regulation, prosocial skills, self-care and overall wellness. The Zones of Regulation provide us with an easy way to think and talk about how we feel on the inside and sort these feelings into four coloured zones, all of which are expected in life. Once we understand our feelings and zones, we can learn to use tools and strategies to manage our different zones in order to meet goals such as school work, managing big feelings and healthy relationships with others.
The children have become confident over the last year in talking about their feelings in relation to the colours of the zones and they may have been doing this at home too! The zones are split into four colours. When we have identified the zone that we are in, we can then develop tools and strategies to help us to cope in that zone and regulate our emotions.
Green - Ideal state of alertness - happy, focussed, calm, content, proud. A strong sense of internal control is felt when in the Green Zone
Blue - Low state of alertness - sad, bored, tired, sick
Yellow - Heightened state of alertness - worried, frustrated, silly, excited, anxious, stress, fear. Energy is elevated but there is some sense of internal control
Red - Extremely heightened state of alertness - rage, explosive behaviour, panicked, angry, terrified. There is a loss of control when in the Red Zone.
Below are some links to more information about the Zones of Regulation and some resources that you may like to use in order to continue the language of the Zones of Regulation at home.