Conservation Project 2021
Activists, get ready!
Conservation Project 2021
It has become part of our annual long term plan that we teach our children the importance of looking after our planet. Our aim is to invest in the future custodians of this beautiful planet, making them aware of the current issues surrounding climate change and pollution and also encouraging them to use their voices to 'act for change'.
We have a tradition of working alongside Chester Zoo and will continue to access their support during this year's project. We have decided to go ahead with what should have been last year's focus and will concentrate on the blue planet. Our project is called 'Ocean Heroes'. Each year group will focus on how the oceans become polluted and will explore one endangered sea creature in particular.
Our conservation project would usually include a grand finale with a great display in school which the community can come to visit. Our aim this year is to create an art installation at the entrance of school for all to view in a safe manner.
With this in mind, we would like you to start to save and collect any lids, such as Pringles lids or Lenor caps. We will put boxes outside of school for you to drop them into. We would appreciate it if you could wash everything and check for sharp edges before you pass them on.
Also, we would like the children to make their own sea sculptures out of recycled, re-used or re-purposed plastic, (see examples below of fish made from plastic bottles). We would like to display these outside so would like them to be weatherproof and easy to hang if possible. This will be a competition with prizes that we will share more details about after the half term. Start planning now!