Prescot Pilots
'Prescot Pilots' is our new initiative aimed at recognising and celebrating all of the extra hours our children put into their learning OUTSIDE of the classroom. We want our children to 'pilot' their own learning flights, with help from a flight crew at home and in school!
Pilot Instructions:
Every time you complete an extra activity or join in with an event, record it in your Pilot’s Log.
We trust that you will be honest and ask your parents to help you complete your log.
In order for us to see what you have been doing, we would love you to tweet your piloting activities - #prescotpilots. You can also bring medals or certificates into school to share. You may also like to set up your own Prescot Pilot Folder where you keep a diary, photos or other items relating to your flight.
The Airline Captains, Mrs Seddon and Mr Dobson, and their team will total up hours after each term.
By the end of the year, our Pilots will have reached one of three different stages:
NOVICE: Someone who is starting to explore new opportunities and building their confidence.
(Attends one school or external club regularly or takes part in an external event or is a leader in school).
INTERMEDIATE: Someone who regularly attends activities, enjoyed them, and wants to do more.
(Attends two school or external clubs regularly or takes part in external events or is a leader in school).
ADVANCED: Someone who relishes every opportunity, actively seeking out new adventures and sharing them with others.
(Attends two or more school or external clubs regularly, takes part in external events or is a leader in school. These pilots go over and above the clouds!).
Please let us know if you have any questions or any ideas. If in doubt, log an activity and ask the Flight Crew if needed.