Y6 'Futures' Conference
Y6 look ahead #pcpgrowingup
On Friday, for the second year, we ran a conference for our Y6 children entitled 'Futures'.
Last year's event was such a success with children and parents that we just had to organise another one. Our Y6 arrived in business-like attire to collaborate on some important issues such as: Image, Control & Equality, Motivation & Intention and Risk. Thanks to some great resources produced by Barnardo's (Real Love Rocks) and The Ariel Trust, we were able to illustrate some real-life situations and role-play the choices that our children may face as they move to Y7.
Thank you to parents who came to hear all about it at hometime. We are confident that our Y6 children have the emotional maturity and awareness to 'question, listen, think and act' in order to safeguard themselves.