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Nursery Learning Journeys

Every child’s progress is closely monitored at Prescot Primary in order that we can provide the best possible opportunities and highest levels of support. When your child starts nursery, staff will informally monitor his/her development and keep detailed records. This information is shared with families and either transferred to the reception class or to the child’s new school.

Foundation Stage Profile

Children continue to be assessed in the reception class where staff will add information to an assessment profile for each individual. Insights will be shared at parent consultation meetings. Your child will have a learning journey book of photos and comments which will be available during the year for you to add to.

Year One Phonic Screening

All children in Year 1 will participate in a phonics check.  This assessment will be administered by Y1 teachers in June.  Results are included within the Year 1 end of term report.

Find out more here:

SATS (Standard Assessment Tests)

Children in Year 2 and Year 6 are formally assessed during May. The results of these assessments are reported annually to the parents. Optional materials may be used in Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 to assist teacher assessment of pupil progress. Find more details about End of Key Stage Assessments here:


We use the ‘Balance’ approach to feedback and assessment in KS1 and KS2:

Classroom design reflects the need for flexible ‘huddles’ that arise in response to previous assessments. Balance ‘wheels’ are displayed in classrooms to enable pupils to evaluate their own work - and that of their peers- in order to decide on their next steps. Work is collected in corresponding coloured trays at the end of each session to enable the teacher to assess against the objective. In this way, teachers are able to see the progress that happens BEFORE aspects of the curriculum are secure.  We recognise that learning isn’t linear and feel that this tool is helping us to support all children to catch up, fill gaps, deepen understanding and overcome any barriers.

Balance values talk between learners and teachers, to capture learning and give immediate feedback to shape next steps. As a result, written marking is less prominent although has not disappeared. We feel that in some lessons or for some children, written marking helps to focus attention or maintain motivation.  We are currently exploring the balance between written and verbal feedback and their impact on progress.

STAR Tests

STAR tests are used capture progress and attainment in reading and maths. These digital 'quizzes' are completed half termly on our iPads and inform teachers and children of their next steps.

Family consultations

Parents are very welcome in school and we aim to involve them with their children’s education as much as possible. Family consultation evenings take place in the Autumn and Spring terms - we encourage children to attend too!

In addition to this if you wish to meet with the class teacher please arrange an appointment after school. The Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Heads or Learning Mentors are always happy to listen to concerns or to offer support. Please call at the office or telephone for an appointment.

Reports to parents

At the end of each year your child will bring home a full report detailing progress and achievements across the curriculum. The report will be based on self assessment by your child and summative observations by the teaching team. Parents / Carers are encouraged to provide feedback to the school.

Learning Review meetings

We hold Learning Review meetings for all children in Year 6 twice a year.  This is an opportunity for children, families and teaching teams to discuss the progress being made.  We encourage our pupils to produce a short presentation about their learning that then informs the meeting. We want our learners to play an important role in these meetings. Here are some pupils discussing their learning around English and Maths:

Senior Leaders join each meeting.  Family Consultations are held for all other classes twice a year.