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Curriculum - Summer Term


In the Summer term we will continue to follow our Inspire Maths scheme.  This is based on a Singapore approach to maths, which encourages children to develop mastery and deepen their understanding of key concepts.  The key concepts that we will cover in the Summer term are:


Year 2 will learn how to split a shape into halves, quarters and thirds. We will learn how to find halves, thirds, quarters of numbers.

Addition and Subtraction 

Children will continue to build on their knowledge of column addition and subtraction. This term we will continue to learn to subtract numbers using regrouping.

Multiplication and Division

This term we will be securing our knowledge on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and the children will be able to use arrays to help them with multiplication. During this term children will use the knowledge they already have to write calculations for multiplication and division.


We have daily RWI lessons where the children develop their phonic knowledge, reading and writing skills.

As well as our RWI lessons we have English lessons to focus on punctuation, grammar and creative writing. The children will be learning how to edit their work by adding adjectives and adverbs, correcting spellings and adding any missing punctuation. We will be learning how to use exclamation marks and apostrophes for possession. The children will also be encouraged to extend their sentences by using because, when, if and but.

We will be using a variety of texts including - 'The tiger who came to tea', 'The Squirrels who squabbled', 'Who swallowed Stanley' and 'What a waste'.  We will also use a variety of non-fiction texts about India. From these different texts the children will write descriptions, letters, diaries, instructions, fact files and stories.

The children will continue to use MyOn to access a variety of books both in school and at home time.

Creative Curriculum - Indian Spice

Our new topic is called Indian Spice. We will be learning all about the country, identifying famous buildings, sampling Indian food - especially the spices used in their cooking and looking at the different cultures within India. Alongside this topic we will be continuing to learn about Queen Victoria and her role as Empress of India. We will take a trip along the River Ganges and compare it with our very own River Mersey! The children will make their own holiday brochure to entice us to India and we will take a look at a typical school day and see how it compares and contrasts to ours.

The children will also design and make their very own tuk-tuk vehicles!

India Fact File


Our focus this term will be 'Living Things and Their Habitats'. In this unit children will learn about a variety of habitats and the plants and animals that live there. They will learn to tell the difference between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive, and apply this in a range of contexts.