House Teams
At PCP, we love teamwork!
In order to encourage this at work and play, we group our children into House Teams from Reception upwards: Blue, Red, Yellow or Green. Children can earn house points for positive behaviours linked to our core values, such as: positivity, respect and confidence. During sports activities and House competitions, children can also earn points for great sportsmanship and determination.
Behaviour and sporting house points are combined and totalled each week. Weekly House winners are announced in Friday's celebration assembly.
House points are converted into house potions for each team. The House Captains pour in the potion their team has earned. This accumulates over each half term; at the end of each half term, a winning house team is announced. They will be rewarded with a special 'house party' - an occasion where all year groups can play games together.
Y6 House Team Leaders are in place from September. During the summer term of Y5, children who would like the posts are asked to make a written application or create a digital presentation to showcase their leadership skills. Captains, Vice-Captains and House Monitors are then selected after an interview. One of their roles is to support younger learners at lunch-times; they are always very popular!