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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is the 'lifeskills' curriculum; it helps to develop happy individuals, confident family members and valued members of the community as children and as adults. RSHE, (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) is taught within PSHE.

At Prescot Primary, we take a whole school approach to teaching our children about relationships, health and wellbeing. We structure lessons around the SCARF CURRICULUM. Click the link to find out more.  Children across school learn about :

  • Me & my relationships
  • Valuing difference
  • Keeping safe
  • Rights & respect
  • Being my best
  • Growing & changing

Our information letter for parents and carers is attached below.

We enjoy whole school projects that bring us together, such as 'Enterprise' and 'The world of work', and love having visitors in to speak to us.

Here is our latest Careers Showcase video:

Additionally, each class also explores the life of a 'rebel hero' - someone who took risks, fought adversity or stood up for the rights of others, someone significant who can teach us so much about using our voices for good. Here are some of our 'heroes':


Underpinning our PSHE curriculum are the school values, which were voted for by the children and staff. Encompassing them all is the idea that we want everyone to 'be bothered'. PSHE lessons are also inextricably linked to the Convention on the Rights of the Child; we connect as much learning as possible to the articles of the CRC.

These help to lead assemblies and circle time, focus the work of the Rights Respecting Pupil Leaders and support our Rekationships Policy.

We recognise that our children are the adults of tomorrow. PSHE plays a vital role in their formative years.

Come in to look at our floorbooks that show the work our children do to keep their 'Hearts, Minds and Health' in tiptop shape!