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Year 1 - Summer Term

This Summer Term we will be looking at our new topic that is ‘Moon Zoom’.

Children will travel back to 1969 and learn more about the excitement and significance of when man
landed on the moon. This project intends to develop historical skills and knowledge about the recent past
and helps children to understand the events and people that made the mission a success.
This project links to Year One’s key country of the USA where they will learn to locate the country and
some of its key physical and human features, including Kennedy Space Centre and Cape Canaveral. The
children will begin to gain a global understanding of the earth as they work with satellite images of earth
from space, becoming more skilful at identifying key physical features such as oceans, islands, rivers etc.


English is taught through our daily RWI lessons where the children develop their phonic knowledge, reading and writing skills.

Through our topic we will be reading and looking at a range of non fiction texts, posters and fact sheets. We will be writing to the alien who crash landed in our classroom and will make wanted posters. We will create our own class fact file on the solar system, including information of the different planets. We will research facts about famous astronauts including Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake.


We follow the Inspire Maths Scheme of work for maths. The key concepts that we will cover in the Summer term are:

Numbers to 40

-Using one-to-one correspondence in counting

-1 ten equals ten ones

-Numbers to 40 can be represented as tens and ones in a place value chart

-Numbers to 40 can be compared using the terms ‘greater than’/ ‘smaller than’ and ‘greatest’/ ‘smallest’ as well as arranged in ascending or descending order

-‘Add on’ and ‘part-whole’ concepts are used in adding numbers

-Regrouping concepts can be applied in subtraction

-The ‘take away’ concept is used in subtraction

-‘Add on’ and ‘making ten’ concepts are used in adding three numbers

-The regrouping concept is also applied

-The ‘part-whole’, ‘taking away’, ‘adding on’ and ‘comparing’ concepts are used to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction

Mental Calculation

-A 2-digit number can be conceptualised as tens and ones

-Adding is conceptualised as adding or putting parts together

-Subtracting is conceptualised as taking away from a whole


-Multiplication is conceptualised as repeating addition  

-Tell stories based on the multiplication concept and repeated addition

-Applying the multiplication concept to solve world problems


-Division is conceptualised as dividing a set of objects equally

-Division is conceptualised as sharing a set of items equally into groups


-Time can be used to measure the duration of event

-Measuring half an hour using the term ‘half past’

Numbers to 100

-Using one-to-one correspondence in counting

-1 ten is the same as 10 ones

-10 tens in 100

-Numbers to 100 can be represented as tens and ones in a place value chart

-Numbers to 100 can be compared using the terms ‘greater than’ and ‘smaller than’

- Numbers to 100 can be arranged in ascending or descending order

-The ‘adding on’ and ‘part-whole’ concepts are used in adding numbers

-The regrouping concept is using in subtraction


-Coins and notes in pounds and pence can be used to pay for goods and services

-A coin or note of one denomination can be used as the equivalent of another set of coins or notes of a smaller denomination

-The amount of money can be counted in pence (up to £1) and pounds (up to £100)

- Addition and subtraction concepts in number are used in addition and subtraction of money

-The ‘part-whole’, ‘adding on’, ‘taking away’ and ‘comparing’ concepts in addition and subtraction are used in solving word problems


We will investigate an alien crash site and compare different materials that we find in the wreckage. We will sort and discuss the properties of materials. We will also try to send a light signal to space by making our own simple circuit with a bulb, wire and battery. We will learn all about the different planets and the solar system.


We will find out about the first people and animals that travelled to space. We will make our own timeline and order key dates about space. We will learn about specific astronauts and their achievements.


We will use Google Earth to take a ‘rocket’ eye view of our planet. We will look at videos and satellite images of our Earth from Space. We will use basic geographical vocabulary that to refer to key physical factors, e.g. beach, cliff.


This term we will be looking at how we celebrate our journey through life. We will also be looking at Christian and Hinduism celebrations.


We will be exploring different musical instruments and learning to play along to the beat.   We will learn space themed songs.

Art, Design & Technology

We will create our own models of the solar system. We will be using different materials and paints to design a space rocket or a space buggy.


This is covered each day and through our circle times. We will look at taking care of our planet.


We will be teaching core skills, teamwork, improving our personal best and listening to and following instructions.