Curriculum - Autumn Term
In Maths this Autumn term we will be following our Inspire Maths Scheme. This is continued from the work they completed in year 2. This enables us to ensure there are no mathematical gaps in the children's learning. We will be focussing on addition and subtraction with numbers up to 1000. The children will use concrete representations such as numicon, bar models & deines to support their understanding of regrouping the tens and ones when adding and subtracting. We will also cover multiplication and division this term. It would be beneficial for children to practise learning the 3 and 4 times tables in preparation for this. They will also use these skills learnt this term to solve word problems.
In Literacy and Language we will be exploring the unit Sand Wizards, a tale about friendship. We will be focussing on creating moods and settings such as at the seaside, and will be using adverbs, inverted commas and adverbials of time to make our writing interesting to the reader. Our other fiction unit A Tune of Lies will remind us about the importance of being honest, and will introduce children to the features of play scripts.
Our non-fiction units this term will focus on information texts and writing instructions. We love it when children bring examples in to share with the class so if you are out and about on any trips then please pick up a leaflet or two. Similarly if you are following a recipe or playing a game at home then please talk about the instructions with your child.
We will be extending our literacy skills across all areas of the curriculum and through our topic Heroes and Villains. Children will get opportunities to write descriptions of their favourite fairy tale characters and provide alternative endings for some of their favourite fairy tales.
Autumn 1 – Plants In our 'Plants' unit children will learn everything they need to know about plants. They will learn the names of different parts of plants, and the jobs they do. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate what plants need to grow well, and will present their findings to their peers. Furthermore, they will have chance to predict what will happen in an exciting investigation into the transportation of water within plants. Through practical exploration they will identify the parts of a flower, and will explore the different stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant.
Autumn 2 – Light and dark
In Science we will be exploring about Light and Dark, reflections and shadows. We will learn about different sources of light, as well which are the best reflective materials. We will be designing a brand new outfit for a cyclist to help them to seen and safe at night. A key focus will be developing their scientific enquiry skills, as well as how well they can make observations, predictions and conclusions.
Through our topic work children will explore some rebel heroes and musical phenomenons such as Vivaldi and muhammad Ali. The children will also be looking at Gods and Mortals - 'Ancient Greece' and the way they lived. Comparing past and present buildings, currency, democracy and general way of life.
Geography Through this terms creative curriculum topic, Gods & Mortals, the children will start exploring a variety of maps and globes. They will develop their knowledge of continents and the different countries in Europe. The children will be looking at Greece's smaller city-states and their geographical features. They will create their own map of a region of Greece using its key features and grid references.
This term we will focus on Judaism and learn about the key people and concepts behind the religion. We will embrace opportunities to write about our special people and special places too.
This term all the children will have the fantastic opportunity to work with Miss Cooke and learn some Samba! They will learn how to read music, pick out a rhythm and listen out for different pitches in music. All the children will perform a Samba piece with 5 independent parts, including a 3:2 clave rhythm and complex call and response. They will have experience playing surdu drums, tambourims, aaogos, cowbells, claves and shakers.
Art and Design
In Art and Design we will be making puppets, flip books, sculptures, portraits and painting still life pictures. We will link this in through our topic focus Gods and Mortals - 'Ancient Greece'. We also have a new art project this term called 'contrast & complement'. The children will learn how to use watercolours effectively. They will study and compare different watercolour paintings and experiment with mixing colours. We will celebrate our work by contributing to our classroom displays and publish pictures on our Twitter news feed, so follow us to keep up to date.
PE As a whole school approach we follow the 'Jasmine real PE' scheme where pupils develop a variety of fundamental movement skills. This term the children will be focusing on coordination and static balance. They will practise different ways of moving to develop their coordination and also practise balancing on a range of equipment and apparatus. The children will enjoy fun, exciting games which enables them to use their fundamental movement skills that they are currently working on.