Our assemblies can be fun and uplifting, with reflection time or a time for sombre thought. Our children love coming together to share stories, school news and ideas. Speaking and listening is an important part of assemblies at PCP - we want our children to express how they feel and to develop ideas through talk.
Throughout the year, a whole range of issues are discussed with children during assemblies. These may be linked with initiatives that are currently happening in school, eg, visits from the 'BullyBusters' team, Recycling, Children in Need or Sports Relief. Other assembly themes promote British Values. Children have recently explored key figures in British History, such as King John, Shakespeare and the Duke of Wellington. We have looked at the National Health Service and discussed how unique it is and how lucky we are to have it.
Weekly assemblies can prompt 'assembly tasks' that focus the whole school. One such example was centred around Jim, our Crossing Patrol Officer. Classes designed cards and wrote letters to thank Jim for being our Safeguard. He then visited one of our assemblies to receive the tokens of appreciation - he loved it!
Another assembly introduced the new 'Reflection Zone' to the children. We talked about the meaning of 'reflection' and what this new area was to be used for - to think more deeply and share ideas about specific questions such as, 'What is art?' and 'What makes you, you?' This new area has provided a new way to spend time together at lunchtime.
Some assemblies explore different faiths and cultures, especially at particular times of the year. We love inviting visitors in to talk to the children about our diverse society and the values we share.
We look at how well concepts discussed in assemblies are understood by the children. They are sometimes asked to complete surveys or quizzes based on the theme and are often asked to share their own ideas about a topic. Pupil participation is very important to us.