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Autumn Term 2

Welcome back after a lovely half-term break! We are really looking forward to welcoming all our families back to nursery.

Our topics for this half-term are 'Once upon a time' and 'Sparkle and Shine'.

In the Once Upon a Time project, your child will be introduced to the wonderful world of stories. They will listen to a range of traditional tales and have the chance to act out the stories in their play.  They will also make up their own stories and make masks, props and puppets to act out their stories.

Supporting your child at home

*Read traditional stories and fairy tales to your child.
*Visit your local library and choose picture books to share.
*Talk about the characters in stories and whether they like or dislike them.
*Talk about how the characters in stories behave and what they could do differently.

In the Sparkle and Shine project, your child will explore different celebrations that take place in autumn and winter, focusing on the significance and symbolism of light at this time of year. They will take part in a variety of creative activities and discover more about how Christmas and Diwali are celebrated around the world.

Supporting your child at home

*Talk about special events that you celebrate at home.
*Share photos of events that you celebrate.
*Talk about how you prepare for special celebrations including the clothes you wear, food you prepare and gifts you give or receive.